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Read biscuit books for free free#
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I would read this along with a beginning reader, and have them read the words and phrases that get repeated often, and maybe read a page, then point to the illustration and ask them what is going on. The book includes very basic language, word repetition, and great illustrations, all of which combine to make a perfect beginner's book. These books are good for children ages 4-7, and keeps them interested in the story specifically, but also reading as a whole. The language is very, very simple, and the sentences are extremely short, offering children a chance to read with a great feeling of ease.
Read biscuit books for free series#
The Biscuit series is part of an "I Can Read" collection of books, which obviously is intended to help children read and develop their reading skills.

I absolutely love the Biscuit series for young children, I think these books are absolutely adorable, and have the cutest stories and illustrations.